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Network & Desktop Support


In terms of ongoing network and desktop support, our team of experts and the service they provide is unparalleled. We pride ourselves on our expertise, our vendor knowledge, and the quality of service we are able to offer. Ensuring that your technology is up-to-date and running smoothly is an integral component of your business’ success. Delays or interruptions of service can be frustrating and time consuming for you and your team. Our team of experts are here for you so that you can focus on doing what you do best.

We offer managed services support solutions for businesses in the New England area. Our customized service plans are tailored to meet the needs of your business, whatever they may be. We pride ourselves on meeting your technology needs promptly, and on anticipating future issues that may arise and proactively implementing solutions. Our programs are scalable and flexible, and we have years of experience in bringing companies current with technology developments. Some of the issues we deal with are project management, software application troubleshooting, data and disaster recovery, desktop server and network support, system integration and management, annual maintenance contracts, LAN/WAN/WLAN network design, emergency support coverage, and user training. Let us help create an effortless IT environment for you and your team.