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Compliance Auditing


Our trained professionals are available to help you in compliance audits to ensure your adherence to regulatory guidelines. These industry guidelines determine how your information may be utilized and distributed. Our experts have an in-depth understanding of compliance preparations, and are here to guide you through the process.

IT auditing depends on whether your company is public or private, on the nature of the data handled. We take a look at your security policies, user access controls, and risk management procedures. One difficult aspect of auditing is the amount of unstructured data in electronic documentation such as emails, spreadsheets, and word processing files. Our experts help you determine the location of all material data, who has the rights to access the data, and who has used or transmitted the data. We strive to provide you with a complete understanding of your information landscape and ways in which to consolidate reports for all systems retaining information. By identifying all unstructured material and monitoring all access and transmission activities, we ensure that you have control over your information. Our goal is to work collaboratively with you to prevent uncertain audits and to safeguard you against costly fines or sanctions.